Alright time for Part II of this trip! Well I guess its Part II because its at a different location. Last one was at Cape Schank, this time it was at Cairns Beach.
Cairns Beach was about a 10 minute drive from Cape Schank. I didn't exactly put it on the GPS, I just drove there and hoped I knew where I was going. Eventually I did.  
I got there around 10AM. Got my bag, went on my way.
Walking to the beach was a bit of a small 5 minute hike down. Great view on the way down. This place really felt like it was a different place. The best thing when I got was empty, no one in sight.
The emptiness of the place felt so calming. It was lovely.
This beach almost felt like a secret beach, a beach where you can just enjoy your own company. 
There was also a second spot to this beach. That spot was a bit further up from the beach. A grassy spot that was overlooking the beach and the vast ocean in front.
At this spot I took more self photoshoots and a jump shot because why not right, lets just enjoy the scene and have fun in the moment.
I could've explored more areas but I was getting hungry.
After enjoying some self photoshoots and hiking I decided to leave and have some breakfast.
I ended up having breakfast at 12PM...
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